Follow YouTube tutorials with these Spine project files, They are available for FREE to CHAMPION supporters on YouTube or Patreon
2D Fire animation in Spine with particles
Bow Rig in Spine 2D
2D Archer Animated in Spine | Aim
3D Wheel Animation in Spine 2D
Hyperspace Animated in Spine
Cat Face Rig in Spine +bonus VFX
Realistic fire animated in Spine 2D
Waterfall animated in Spine 2d
Rainbow animated in Spine 2D
Looping PNG sequence in Spine 2D
[Simple] Head/Face 3D rigging in Spine 2D
Balloon rig, squash and stretch
[Complex] Head/Face 3D rigging in Spine 2D | Horse
Queen Azshara Full Spine Project
8 Directional isometric character
Book and page animated in Spine
Lunar Beast Annie Alistar animated in Spine 2D
Dragonborn Rig and animation in Spine 2D
Rigging Scissors Lift in Spine 2D
Mjölnir animated in Spine
Feathered Serpent Spine 2D project
[Intermediate] Head/Face 3D rigging in Spine 2D
Treasure Chest animated in Spine 2d
Tracer Full Spine 2D project