1. Align Sequence Attachment To Any Surface
When importing a sequence into Spine, remember it can still be converted to a mesh. A meshed sequence is a powerful tool, allowing us to deform it and align it to any surface, giving the Spine 2D animation a unique look

Download the project and see for yourself!
2. Cut Out Sequence Attachments
Create Sequence Attachment

Convert it to mesh

Align on the section where you want to create cutout

Edit the mesh and cut out the part that falls outside

3. A Small Blurry Circle To Optimize VFX
Animate stretching small circle to make hard edges pop out and feel more believable

4. Make Glows Flow Using A Small Circle
Align multiple small circles along the object and animate them fading in and out with a slight delay

5. Shine Flow with textures

6. Sandwich Slots Create Masks
Check the video for detailed tutorial. Note this technique works only on opaque pixels

7. Duplicate To Enrich the VFX
After duplicating several copies of the VFX, consider offsetting their animation, changing their size or rotation, flipping them, deforming their meshes, and adjusting their color and blending
8. Use Small Sequences To Compose Bigger VFX
When adding a new sequence to Spine, maximize its value by reusing it as much as possible
9. Spinning Particles In Perspective
This technique applies not only to particles but everything in spine, So simple but brings your animations to new dimensions

Check the tutorial below
10. Animate Particles In A Group
Animating each particle individually can produce impressive results, but it greatly increases the animator's workload and the CPU's computational demands due to the numerous timelines involved. Instead, consider creating clusters of particles and animating only the parent bones. By disabling scale inheritance, you ensure that particles do not inherit the parent's scale, so scaling the cluster affects only the spacing between particles, not their size

11. Deform VFX to achieve something different
Feel free to deform the meshes of the sequence attachments. It can be really surprising what you can achieve with that

12. Star 2D Animation in Spine
Think smarter and plan ahead when working with VFX. Finding the best solution can save you a lot of time. Check out this tutorial to see the easiest method I found for animating stars in the night sky
13. Cracks With Meshes Expand
Having one image you can generate multiple versions of attachments using meshes functionality to deform or cut out

Great tips!!
Awesome Resource. Thank for sharing